Welcome to our Working Group for Methodology of Higher Education and Science Research!

Anna Kosmützkys field of work includes the supervision of thematically suitable MA final papers and dissertations. Should you have further enquiries please feel free to contact Anna Kosmützky directly.
The Team

30159 Hannover

30159 Hannover

30159 Hannover

30159 Hannover

30159 Hannover
- Office: Mo. and Tue. from 08:00am to 4pm
- Student Asssistants: Marie Ahlers, Alia Amor, Vivien Dos Anjos, Joelle Wirtz.
More about our research work
The Research Group “Methodology of Higher Education and Science Studies”
In this research group we deal with questions of how methods are implemented and developed in higher education and science studies. We understand methodology as a meta-reflection of the criteria, strategies and execution of research in all phases of the research process – from research design (selection of objects, methods and theories) to data collection and evaluation to publication and exploitation of the results.
In our research on methodology, we conduct meta-reflections of field-specific rules in higher education, science studies and beyond. In doing so, we empirically analyze practices, conventions and quality criteria of research. Wherever possible, we also point out problems of implicitly accepted approaches and provide suggestions for further development. The reflection of our position within our own object of research is of particular importance to us. We therefore also focus on the methodological challenges of higher education and science studies.
Our methodological reflections are connected to empirical research that we conduct within this focus area on different issues regarding higher education and science. We combine methodology with empirical research since methodology always refers to specific matching between theory, object of research and methods.
In teaching, our Research and Methods Laboratory („Forschungs- und Methodenwerkstatt“) provides doctoral students with methodological competencies. It focuses on the discussion and reflection of ongoing research projects (with reference to data, texts, research design etc.). Students on the Master’s level will be familiarized with methodological reflections in the context of research and methodology seminars.
Current research on methodology:
Methodology of comparative research: from international comparisons to social science comparisons in general as well as historical comparisons and specific comparisons in the field of higher education and science studies
Methodological overlaps between science studies and higher education studies as well as methodological peculiarities of higher education and science studies
Mixed-methods approaches
Case Study Methodology
Current empirical higher education and science studies:
Dynamics of competition in higher education and science; relationship between competition and cooperation
Organizational dimension of research collaboration
Health/stress and the higher education institution
Symbolic power relations, anxiety and university
(Knowledge-)Transfer paths in biomedical research from an organizational perspective
Current teaching:
Research and methods laboratory (Forschungs- und Methodenwerkstatt)
Institutions and actors of the systems of higher education and science
Varieties of qualitative research
- International comparative research: methodological, methodical and analytical challenges
- Reading course: key issues at the intersection of higher education research and science studies
Activities of the Working Group
Projects, Workshops, Publications and Talks
Current Projects
EU-Network (Cost-Action): Rising nationalisms, shifting geopolitics and the future of European higher education/research openness
In the last decade, an upsurge of new nationalisms and geopolitical shifts have amplified Eurosceptic opposition and challenged the values of integration at the root of the European integration project. These transformations in the political world in which universities operate exert a growing pressure on the openness of higher education and research and are affecting academic freedom, open science, institutional autonomy, and international engagement, including mobility opportunities. The University finds itself entangled in contrasting visions of Europe: between one of deeper political integration and openness and visions where European nation-states (re) gain power as the locust of political sovereignty or where protectionism, regionalism, and security politics challenge open exchange with communities outside the EU. The Cost-Action network brings together an inter-disciplinary group of researchers to explore the shifting dynamics between the University, the nation-state and the European integration project.
Anna Kosmützky is Member of the Management Committee of the Network. See for more information: https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA22121/#tabs+Name:Description
Scientific Teamwork Skills for Enhancing Scientific Collaboration and International Knowledge Transfer - Pilot Survey in Poland and Germany (funded by the German-Polish Science Foundation (DPWS)
Modern science increasingly involves teams of various sizes and compositions, often interdisciplinary, multinational and multicultural, frequently located in different cities and countries. The main scientific objective of this project is to investigate team-science skills of German and Polish scientists, especially with regard to team-science skills related to international scientific collaboration in order to understand similarities and dissimilarities between the two national research systems and to provide recommendations for increasing their involvement in international research collaboration, in particular increasing Polish-German research collaboration. LCSS and DZHW cooperate in this project.
How does knowledge transfer from basic research to application succeed? The project "Transfer Paths" (T-PATHS) addresses this question and takes a comprehensive inventory of types of transfer pathways, their contextual conditions and interventions. To this end, the project analyzes longer knowledge transfer paths in the natural and engineering sciences (plus medicine) that start in German universities, both in the overall network of cooperating German R&D organizations and from the perspective of individual organizations. In addition, it focuses on the effects of design approaches and policy interventions over the past 30 years on the dynamically changing collaborative network and on individual universities. From the combination of these analyses, which combine multiple methods and link the macro and meso levels, the project will derive theoretically and empirically sound recommendations for research organizations and for science and research policy. (01.08.2022-31.07.2025).
DFG Project: Competitive Positioning of Universities and their Members
It analyses the competitive positioning of six German universities based on document analyses and interviews with university leadership and relates them to the competitive orientation of researchers, which are analyzed based on websites, CVs, and interviews.
It is part of the DFG-Research Group "Multiple competition in higher education“. In this research group researchers from sociology, economics and business administration are working together in eight sub-projects at eight universities. (01.06.2021-31.05.2024)Events
Workshop: "Long-term Perspectives on Higher Education, Organization, and Society”, (convenors: Gili Drori, Anna Kosmützky, and Georg Krücken), Ein Karem, Israel, March 22-24.2023. More Information
From 24.-25 November 2022 Anna Kosmützky together with Anne Krüger and Julian Hamann are hosting the Gemeinsame Herbsttagung of the DGS-Sektionen Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung und Organisationssoziologie on the topic of "Wettbewerb und Organisation - Vergleichende Perspektiven“ aus. The event will take place at the Humboldt-University of Berlin statt. Further information
Blome, Frerk and Beyer, Stephanie: Publication Strategies in Science Studies and Higher Education Research, online workshop at the Leibniz Center for Science and Society, 9.12.2021
Beyer, Stephanie: Methoden-Workshop „Qualitative Sozialforschung in der Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung“ im Rahmen der 16. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung, 15.09.2021 (online)
From 6-10. September 2021 Anna Kosmützky, Julian Hamann (HU Berlin) and Christian Imdorf (Leibniz Universität Hannover und LCSS) organized the HERSS Summer School "How to Make Theory Work in Higher Education Research and Science Studies“ in digital format. https://www.herss-summer.eu/
Beyer, Stephanie: Workshop “(In)visibilities in Academia and Higher Education - Exploring Links between (In)visibility and Social Inequality” at the Leibniz Center for Science and Society (mit Marco Valero Sanchez), 24.-25.06.2021
Am 26. und 27. September fand am LCSS im Arbeitsbereich „Methodologie der Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung“ ein QCA Training mit Dr. Jonas Buche (LUH) statt, der eine Gruppe von Studierenden, Promovierenden, Postdocs und Professorinnen und Professoren in die Methode eingeführt hat. Mehr Infos hier
International Symposium of the VolkswagenStiftung 12.June -14.June 2019
"Academia in the Age of Comparison. Methodological and Empirical Perspectives"
Comparisons represent a core operation of the production of meaning and social order. Although of general social relevance, comparisons are of particular importance in academia, where comparisons represent both a meta-method and a social practice. The ascent of rankings, altmetrics and other comparative devices suggests that comparisons have lost their innocence as a scientific meta-method and are becoming increasingly important as a ubiquitous social practice that has turned onto academics themselves. Reflecting on this development, the participants of our international and interdisciplinary symposium discussed transformations and continuities of academic comparisons from an empirical and methodological perspective in four panels: 1. What can be learned from historical perspectives on comparisons? 2. What is the interrelation between the comparator and the compared? 3. How do devices and instruments of comparison operate and how can they be compared to each other? 4. What are the consequences of these comparisons?
- Beyer, Stephanie & Schmitz, Andreas: “Fear Factor(y)”: Academia. Subtle Mechanisms of Symbolic Domination in the Academic Field. Sociological Forum. Online first: https://doi.org/10.1111/socf.12881
- Hamann, J., Blome, F., Kosmützky, A.: Devices of Evaluation: Institutionalization and Impact. Special Issue in: Research Evaluation, Pages 423-428, https://doi.org/10.1093/reseval/rvac047
- Hüther, O., Kosmützky, A.: Soziologie der Universität. In: Kaldeway, D. (Hrsg.), Wissenschaftsforschung: Grundbegriffe, Forschungsfelder und Forschungsfragen, Berlin, De Gruyter, Pages 173-202
- Kosmützky, A., Wöhlert, R.: Methodologie vergleichender (Wissenschafts-)Forschung. In: Kaldeway, D. (Hrsg.), Wissenschaftsforschung: Grundbegriffe, Forschungsfelder und Forschungsfragen, Berlin, De Gruyter, Pages 295-316
- Beyer, Stephanie.: Wissenschaftlicher Mittelbau. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11577-022-00822-x
- Kosmützky, A., Krücken, G.: World Polity. In: Endreß, M., Rampp, B. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Politische Soziologie. Baden-Baden, Nomos, im Erscheinen
- Beyer, Stephanie: The Social Construction of the US Academic Elite. A Mixed Methods Study of Two Disciplines. Abingdon: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003099697
Warczok, T. & Beyer, S.: The Logic of Knowledge Production: Power Structures and Symbolic Divisions in the Elite Field of American Sociology. Poetics 87: 101531. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poetic.2021.101531
- Böning, Anja/Blome, Frerk/Möller, Christina: Vom kollektiven zum individualisierten Aufstieg. Biographische Narrative von Juraprofessoren aus statusniedrigen Herkunftsfamilien im Wandel. In: Zeitschrift für Rechtsssoziologie (40) 1-2, S.179-208
- Kienast, Rebecca: „Primäre und sekundäre Herkunftseffekte beim Übergang ins Studium. Ein Vergleich von zwei Dekompositionsmodellen“. LCSS-Workingpaper
Kosmützky, A.: Konkurrenz und Kooperation in der Wissenschaft. Traditionelle Muster und moderne Formen wissenschaftlicher Wissensproduktion. Uni-Magazin der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 3/4.
Kosmützky, A., & Krücken, G.; The University and the Global Knowledge Society. David John Frank, John W.Meyer, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2020. Higher Education Quarterly, Pages 194-200, https://doi.org/10.1111/hequ.12326
Kosmützky, A., & Krücken, G.: Science and Higher Education. In B. Hollstein, R. Greshoff, U. Schimank, & A. Weiß (Hrsg.), Soziologie-Sociology in the German-Speaking World, Sonderheft. Soziologische Revue, 43, 1. 345–360.
- Hamann, J., Kosmützky, A.: Does Higher Education Research have a Theory Deficit? Explorations on Theory Work. European Journal of Higher Education, Pages 468-488, doi.org/10.1080/21568235.2021.2003715.
- Kosmützky, A. & Wöhlert, R.: Varieties of collaboration: On the influence of funding schemes on forms and characteristics of international collaborative research projects (ICRPs). European Journal of Education, 56(2), 182–199.
- Krücken, G., Bünstorf, G., Cantner, U., Frost, J., Grebel, T., Hamann, J., Hottenrott, H., Kosmützky, A. Meier, F., Schimank, U.: Multipler Wettbewerb im Hochschulsystem – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven und wissenschaftspolitische Implikationen. Das Hochschulwesen, 3, 90-95.
- Reuter, Julia/Gamper, Markus/Möller, Christina/Blome, Frerk (Hg.) Vom Arbeiterkind zur Professur. Soziale Aufstiege in der Wissenschaft. Bielefeld, transcript
Möller, Christina/Gamper, Markus/ Reuter, Julia/Blome, Frerk: Vom Arbeiterkind zur Professur. Gesellschaftliche Relevanz, empirische Befunde und die Bedeutung biographischer Reflexion. In: Reuter, Julia/Gamper, Markus/Möller, Christina/Blome, Frerk (Hg.) 2020. Vom Arbeiterkind zur Professur. Soziale Aufstiege in der Wissenschaft. Bielefeld, transcript. S. 9-63
Hüther, Otto; Kosmützky, Anna; Asanov, Igor; Bünstorf, Guido; Krücken, Georg: Massive Open Online Courses after the Gold Rush: Internationale und nationale Entwicklungen und Zukunftsperspektiven. Hannover : Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2020 (LCSS Working Papers; 4), DOI:10.15488/9775
- Kosmützky, Anna., Nokkala, Terhi.): Towards a Methodology Discourse in Comparative Higher Education, Higher Education Quarterly DOI: 10.1111/hequ.12257
- Kosmützky, A., Nokkala, T., Diogo, S.: Between context and comparability: Exploring new solutions for a familiar methodological challenge in qualitative comparative research, Higher Education Quarterly DOI: 10.1111/hequ.12255
- Kosmützky, A.; Krücken, G.: Change and Continuity in Science and Higher Education (Research). Soziologie 2000. Kritische Bestandaufnahme zu einer Soziologie des 21. Jahrhunderts., Sonderheft. Soziologische Revue, 42, 3.
Nokkala, T., Kosmützky, A., Blanco Ramirez, G., Cantwell, B., Suspitsyna, T., Torres-Olave, B. : Kicking off a Dialog on the Methodological Advancement of Comparative Higher Education Research. Supplementary material to Higher Education Quarterly Special Issue ‘Towards a Methodology Discourse in Comparative Higher Education’; edited by Anna Kosmützky & Terhi Nokkala Weitere Informationen
- Blome, Frerk, Hamann, Julian, Kosmützky, Anna: Academia in the Age of Comparison: Methodological and Empirical Perspectives, Conference Report of the VolkswagenStiftung Symposium (12.06.-14.06.2019) Link
- Beyer Stephanie: Gengnagel Vincent, Beyer Stephanie, Baier Christian, Münch Richard (2019): Europeanisation and global academic capitalism. In: Horizontal Europeanisation: The Transnationalisation of Daily Life and Social Fields in Europe. Abingdon: Rutledge, pp.129-152. Link
- Borggräfe, Michael (2019). "Wandel und Reform deutscher Universitätsverwaltungen - Eine Organigrammanalyse". Wiesbaden: VS Verlag
- Hamann, Julian (2019) The making of professors. Assessment and recognition in academic recruitment. Social Studies of Science, online first: 1-23. Link:
- Franzen, M, Krause, M, Dayé, C, Halsmayer, V, Hamann, J, Holzhauser, N, Korte, J, Osrecki, F, Ploder, A, Sutter, B (2019) Das DFG-Netzwerk ''Soziologie soziologischen Wissens''. Soziologie 48(3): 293-308
- Hamann, Julian, Kaldewey, D, and Schubert, J (2019) Ist gesellschaftliche Relevanz von Forschung bewertbar, und wenn ja, wie? Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Link:
- Hamann Julian and Maeße J (2019) Subjektivierung in Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. Diskurs- und feldanalytische Perspektiven. Special Issue der Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung 2019(1).
- Hamann Julian and Maeße J (2019) Einleitung. Diskurs, Feld, Subjektivierung. Empirische und theoretische Fragen. Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung 2019(1): 4-10.
- Angermuller J and Hamann Julian (2019) The celebrity logics of the academic field. The unequal distribution of citation visibility of Applied Linguistics professors in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung 1(2019): 77-93.
- Hamann Julian and Beljean S (2019) Career Gatekeeping in Cultural Fields. American Journal of Cultural Sociology, online first. Link:
- Hamann Julian (2019) The making of professors. Assessment and recognition in academic recruitment. Social Studies of Science, forthcoming.
- Hamann Julian (2019) Zum Auftritt der Figur ''Professor'' in Berufungsverfahren. In: Etzemüller T (ed) Der Auftritt. Performanz in der Wissenschaft. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 283-298, forthcoming.
- Artikel von Anna Kosmützky: "Tracing the development of international branch campuses: from local founding waves to global diffusion?" im Journal "Globalisation, Societies and Education" veröffentlicht im August 2018 Link
- Artikel von Anna Kosmützky: "A two-sided Medal: On the complexity of international comparative and collaborative team research" im Journal "Higher Education Quarterly", veröffentlicht im Februrar 2018 (ahead-of-print Version) Link
Tobias Bochmann, Leonie Buschkamp, Anna Kosmützky, Rasmus Bonde Schmid: “Competitive Positioning of German Universities and the Stratification of the Academic Field). Joint fall conference of the DGS Sections "Science and Technology Studies" and "Organizational Sociology": Competition and Organization – Comparative Perspectives, Berlin, 24-25.11, 2022.
Anna Kosmützky, Georg Krücken: “New Forms of Competition and Cooperation in Science and Higher Education: Some Ideas on their Interconnectedness", REHES IV Workshop: Higher Education and its Organizations, Lugano, 06-07.10.2022.
- Anna Kosmützky, Frank Meier: “Multiple Competition in Higher Education: A Framework for Comparative Analyses”, ad-hoc Group: Competition and Society: Comparative Perspectives, DGS Conference, Bielefeld, 26-30.09.2022
- Anna Kosmützky, Frank Meier, Andreas Rös: “Constellations of Multiple Competition in Higher Education: Interrelations between Organizational and Individual Competitors", ECPR Panel: How do universities compete? Insbruck, 22-26.08. 2022
- Stephanie Beyer: “Social Stratification, Lifestyles and Health – Investigating the German Social Space”, 19th Biennial European Society for Health and medical Sociology Conference, Forli, University of Bologna, 25.-27.08.2022
- Anna Kosmützky, Sarah-Rebecca Kienast: "Who is Organizing Research? Organizational Actorhood and Collaborative Research Activities of University Members“. 38 EGOS Colloqium. Subtheme 63: The Organizing of Academia. Vienna, WU Vienna, 07.-09.07.2022.
Anna Kosmützky: „Multiple Competition Constellations“. With Frank Meier. Workshop "The Economics and Organisation of Science“, TUM Campus Heilbronn, 18-20.5.2022
- Anna Kosmützky, Sarah-Rebecca Kienast: "Excellent Universities or Excellent Researchers? Competitive Strategies of Universities and Collaborative Research Activities of University Member.“ Bristol Conversations in Education Research Seminar Series. Centre for Higher Education Transformations (CHET), Bristol, 10.05.2022.
- Stephanie Beyer: „Angst und Bange in der Wissenschaft – Subtile Mechanismen symbolischer Herrschaft im akademischen Feld”, gemeinsam mit Andreas Schmitz, Hannover, DZHW-LCSS Kolloquium, 16.05.2022
Tobias Bochmann, Leonie Buschkamp, Rasmus Bondes Schmidt, Anna Kosmützky: "Competition in Higher Education: Universities as Strategic Actors in Stratified Fields.“ 17TH WORKSHOP ON NEW INSTITUTIONALISMIN ORGANIZATION THEORY (NIW)MARCH 24-25, 2022, IE UNIVERSITY – MADRID
Anna Kosmützky: „Collaborative Research Projects. Forms, Research Conditions, and Challenges.“ With Romy Wöhlert. Zentrum für HochschulBildung (zhb), 19.02.2022 hdhf.zhb.tu-dortmund.de/forschung/forschungskolloquium/kolloquien-2022/kosmuetzky-woehlert/
Beyer, Stephanie: “Fear and Loathing in Academia - Subtle Mechanisms of Symbolic Domination within the Academic Field”, gemeinsam mit Andreas Schmitz, IV ISA Forum of Sociology Risk Work - Methodological, Conceptual and Theoretical Developments (24.02.2021)
- Frerk Blome: "Von der Krippe bis zum Katheder. Soziale Herkunft und Bildungsbarrieren im deutschen Bildungs- und Wissenschaftssystem", Erstakademiker*innen-Tagung der Studienstiftung 2.0, 15.8-16.8.2020
- Anna Kosmützky:„Collaborative research projects as temporary organizations: Distinguishing forms and research conditions” (with Romy Wöhlert), virtual workshop „Benefits and challenges of collaboration in research. Investigating the manifold aspects of mono-, inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration”, DZHW, Heinrich Heine University, and Stifterverband, 4. November 2021.
- Anna Kosmützky: Forschungsförderung an Universitäten: Chancen und Grenzen der organisationalen Governance von Forschungskooperationen“ (with Sarah Rebecca Kienast), anual conference of the Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GfHf), Univeristy of Gießen, 16. September 2021
Anna Kosmützky: Convenor of panel “Kooperationsnetzwerke von Universitäten: Zwischen Eigendynamik und organisationaler Qualitätsentwicklung“, anual conference of the Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GfHf), Univeristy of Gießen, 16. September 2021.
- Beyer, Stephanie: “Homo Prestigious – The social Construction of the US academic Elite”, Vortrag im Rahmen des Kolloquiums des „Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Science“ (I2SoS) an der Universität Bielefeld. 10.11.2020
- Beyer, Stephanie: „Positionen und (gesundheitliche) Dispositionen im (akademischen) Feld“, Vortrag im Forschungskolloquium des CELLS Hannover, LUH (02.11.2020)
- Beyer, Stephanie: „Wahrheit und Wissenschaft”, im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe „Philosophie & Medizin“ in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Geschichte, Philosophie und Ethik der Medizin, 15. Januar 2020, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
- Anna Kosmützky: "Revisiting the institutional complexity of international collaborative research projects – a conceptual discussion and empirical examples", Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Science (I²SoS), 1. December 2020
- Anna Kosmützky: “Have Massive Open Online Courses fulfilled the high hopes and great expectations of an open and global digital higher education world?” TIB Research Seminar on the Digitization of Research and Education, Leibniz University Hannover, (30.April/ 2.Juli.2020)
- Anna Kosmützky: "Vom Wettbewerb zu multiplen Wettbewerben? Neue Positionierungen von Universitäten im Wettbewerb" (mit Georg Krücken), ZIF-Kooperationsgruppentagung, Universität Bielefeld, 09.-10.Januar 2020
- Stephanie Beyer: "Between the Global and the Local. The Field of American Sociology“ (mit Tomasz Warczok, University of Warsaw) auf dem 114ten Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) in New York City, USA (10. - 13. August 2019)
- Stephanie Beyer: "Homo Prestigious – The social construction of the US academic elite“ in der Arbeitsgruppe Organisation/Hochschule/Wissenschaft (24.07.2019 am LCSS)
- Michael Borggräfe "Organizational charts as reflections of world society?", Future of World Society Mini Conference, 9. August 2019, New York.
- Michael Borggräfe "Historicizing the organizational chart", 35th EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 48: Historical-Evolutionary Organization Studies:Understanding the Past to Shape the Future, 5. Juli 2019, University of Edinburgh.
- Michael Borggräfe ''''Wettbewerb'' im Fokus der Wissenschafts- und Hochschulforschung:Methodologische Arbeitsteilung und Potenziale" (zusammen mit Stephanie Beyer, Tobias Bochmann, Julian Hamann, Anna Kosmützky), Frühjahrstagung der DGS-Sektion Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung, 24. Mai 2019, Universität Bonn.
- Vortrag Julian Hamann"Playgrounds and serious work in academia: an essay and research agenda" (mit Ariane Berthoin Antal), Conference "Edge. Creation and valuation of novelty at the margins", Representation of the Federal State Hamburg in Berlin, 21.-22.11.2019
- Teilnahme an Podiumsdiskussion Julian Hamann"''personae, rather than persons?'' Wissenschafts- und Fachgeschichte zwischen Personen-, Institutionen- und Praxisgeschichte", Internationales Kollegs Morphomata, Universität Köln, 18.-19.11.2019
- Vortrag Julian Hamann "The Internationality Imperative in Academia" (mit Lena M. Zimmer), Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Bonn, 24.09.2019
- Vortrag von Julian Hamann: "Kandidaturen im Karriereverlauf. Zur Darstellung professoraler Profile in Berufungsverfahren" im Forum Organisationsforschung des ISH (08.01.2019)Link
- Vortrag von Anna Kosmützky (mit Georg Krücken) "Vom Wettbewerb zu multiplen Wettbewerben? Neue Positionierungen von Universitäten im Wettbewerb", ZIF-Kooperationsgruppentagung, Universität Bielefeld, 09.-10.01.2020
- Vortrag Anna Kosmützky (mit Otto Hüther) "Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC): How Great Expectations of a Global Higher Education World are Dashed by National Strategies”, Vortrag auf der auf der ASHE Konferenz 2019 in Portland, OR, USA, 13.-17. November 2019
- Vortrag Anna Kosmützky “Universitätsprofessur: Berufsalltag, Berufseinstiegsmöglicheiten und Qualifikationsanforderungen”, Praxisvortag im Rahmen der Woche für Berufsorientierung an der Universität Bielefeld, 7.11.2019
- Keynote von Anna Kosmützky: Theory and Higher Education Research: Are They Just Loosely Coupled? Annual Conference of the “Consortium of Higher Education Researchers”, CHER, University of Kassel, 29.8.2019.
- Vortrag von Anna Kosmützky (mit Monika Jungbauer-Gans, Bernd Kleimann und Eva Ruffing): "Governance of Higher Education: What Comes After New Public Management?" Annual Forum of the " The European Higher Education Society" (EAIR), Leiden Univeristy, Netherlands, 26.08.2019
- Vortag von Anna Kosmützky (mit Otto Hüther): "Massive Open Online Courses after the Hype: Towards a Global Strategic Action Field?”, Annual Meeting of the “American Sociological Association” (ASA), New York, 13.8.2019.
- Vortrag von Anna Kosmützky: “Collaborative Knowledge Production - A Focus on Research Teams”. Symposium Research, Teaching and Learning across Disciplinary Drontiers, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University, UK, 4.7.2019.
- Vortrag von Anna Kosmützky: “The Additional Layer of International Comparative Research”. International Visitor’s Week, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University, UK, 1.7.2019.
- Vortrag von Julian Hamann, Anna Kosmützky, Stephanie Beyer, Tobias Bochmann, Michael Borggräfet: ""Wettbewerb“ im Fokus der Wissenschafts- und Hochschulforschung”, Frühjahrstagung der DGS-Sektion Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung, 23./24. Mai 2019, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW) der Universität Bonn.
- Vortrag von Anna Kosmützky: Organizational Perspectives in Higher Education – A Focus on Merits and Challenges of International Comparative Research. Laudation Seminar for Ivar Bleiklie, University of Bergen, Norwary, 8.3.2019
- Vortrag von Anna Kosmützky: “Transnational Higher Education": globale Modelle, nationale Dynamiken und lokale Adaptionen. LCSS-Kolloquium, 4.2.2019.
- Vortrag von Anna Kosmützky: "Globalisierung von Hochschulen – A Brave New World?” Abendvortrag am Alfred Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald, 31.1.2019.
- Ad-hoc-Gruppe mitorganisiert von Julian Hamann: "Für eine reflexive und relationale Soziologie der Soziologie: Die deutsche Soziologe im internationalen Vergleich", mit Stephanie Beyer, Alice Barth, Vincent Gengnagel und Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg, auf dem 39. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Göttingen (24. - 28. September 2018)
- Ad-hoc-Gruppe mitorganisiert von Julian Hamann: "Macht der Methodologie - Methodologie der Macht", mit Andreas Schmitz und Nina Baur, auf dem 39. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Göttingen (24. - 28. September 2018)
- Präsentation von Julian Hamann: ''The Discursive Positioning of Applicants in Academic Organizations'' auf dem 113ten Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) in Philadelphia, USA (11. - 14. August 2018)
- Teilnahme von Julian Hamann auf der Eröffnungsveranstaltung ''Bewertungsgesellschaft'' als Teil des DFG Forschungsnetzwerks an der Universität von Bremen (12. - 13. Juli 2018)
- Präsentation von Julian Hamann: ''The Ideal Candidate. How Academic Organizations Select Prospective Members'' mit (Kathia Serrano Velarde, Heidelberg Universität) auf dem 34. Kolloquium der "European Group of Organizational Studies" (EGOS) in Tallinn, Estland (5. - 7. Juli 2018)
- Vortrag von Anna Kosmützky: “There will be only 10 Universities left in the world in 50 years” – Market Dynamics of Massive Open Online Course Providers, Conference on „Capitalism, Social Science and the Platform University“, Cambridge University, UK, 13./14.12.2018.
- Anna Kosmützky organisiert (zusammen mit Terhi Nokkala) das Panel: ''New Methodological Paths in Comparative Higher Education'' mit Vorträgen von Gerardo Blanco, Brendan Cantwell, Jenny J. Lee, Blanca Torres Olave, Tatiana Suspitsyna, Adam TM Wyatt, auf der ASHE Konferenz 2018 in Tampa, USA (15.-17. November 2018) Link
- Präsentation von Anna Kosmützky: ''Between Context and Generalization: Challenges of Qualitative Small-N Comparative Case Studies'', auf der ASHE Konferenz 2018 in Tampa, USA (15.-17. November 2018) Link
- Sektionsveranstaltung mitorganisiert von Anna Kosmützky und Julian Hamann: "Der Zusammenhang von Organisation und Produktion wissenschaftlichen Wissens. Zur Neukonfiguration des Verhältnisses zwischen Hochschule und Wissenschaft", mit Roland Bloch, Martina Franzen, David Kaldewey und Anne K. Krüger, Veranstaltung der Sektion Wissenschafts-und Technikforschung auf dem 39. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Göttingen (24.- 28. September 2018)
- Keynote Präsentation von Anna Kosmützky: ''What kind of theories of higher education and science in society do we need?'' auf der 5. Summer School on Higher Education an der Jyväskylä University, Finnland (13. - 14. August)
- Präsentation von Anna Kosmützky: ''Beyond cosmopolitan and locals: international research collaboration and academic identity formation'' (mit Romy Wöhlert, Leipzig Universität ) auf der EASST 2018 in Lancaster, UK (23. - 27. Juli 2018)
Former Team Members
Sarah-Rebecca Kienast. M.A.
Dr. Frerk Blome https://www.uni-kassel.de/forschung/incher/personen/blome-frerk
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julian Hamann https://www.erziehungswissenschaften.hu-berlin.de/de/hochschulforschung-hochschulbildung/team/Juniorprofessor_innen/Julian%20Hamann/julianhamann
Dr. Michael Borggräfe https://www.tu.berlin/sos/ueber-uns/team/dr-michael-borggraefe