Vollständige Publikationsliste


Hangel, N., Buyx, A., & Fritzsche, M.-C. (2024). The interrelation of scientific, ethical and transnational challenges for precision medicine with multimodal biomarkers - a qualitative expert interview study in dermatology research. Heliyon, 10(13).

Schönweitz, F. B., Zimmermann, B. M., Hangel, N., Fiske, A., McLennan, S., Sierawska, A., & Buyx, A. (2024). Solidarity and reciprocity during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal qualitative interview study from Germany. BMC Public Health, 24.

Geiger, S., Galasso, I., Hangel, N., Lucivero, F., & Watts, G. (2023). Vulnerability and Response-Ability in the Pandemic Marketplace: Developing an Ethic of Care for Provisioning in Crisis. J Bus Ethics.

Kieslich, K., Fiske, A., Gaille, M., Galasso, I., Geiger, S., Hangel, N., et al. (2022). Solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from a nine-country interview study in Europe Medical Humanities. Published Online First: 05 June 2023.

Hangel, N. & ChoGlueck, C. (2023). On the pursuitworthiness of qualitative methods in empirical philosophy of science. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 98: 29-39.

Wagenaar, H., Kieslich, K., Hangel, N., Zimmermann, B. M. & Prainsack, B. (2022). Collaborative comparisons: A pragmatist approach towards designing large-scale, comparative qualitative research. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2.

Zimmermann, B. M., Wagenaar, H., Kieslich, K., Prainsack, B., Meyers, G., Buyx, A., El-Sayed, S., Fiske, A., Galasso, I., Geiger, S., Hangel, N., Horn, R., Johnson, S., Kuiper, J.M.L., Lucivero, F., McLennan, S., Paul, K.T., Pot, M., Radhuber, I., Samuel, G., Sharon, T., Siffels, L., Van Hoyweghen, I., Awad, S., Bourgeron, T., Eichinger, J., Gaille, M., Haddad, C., Hayes, S., Hoffman, A., Jasser, M., Kenens, L., Lanzing, M., Libert, S., Lievevrouw, E., Marelli, L., Ongolly, F., Phillips, A., Pinel, C., Riesinger, K., Roberts, S., Saxinger, G., Schlogl, L., Schönweitz, F., Sierawska, A., Spahl, W., Stendahl, E., Vanstreels, S., Vidolov, S. & Weiss, E. (2022). Democratic research: Setting up a research commons for a qualitative, comparative, longitudinal interview study during the COVID-19 pandemic. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2.

Ziehfreund, S., Tizek, L., Hangel, N., Fritzsche, M.-C., Weidinger, S., Smith, C., Bryce, P. J., Greco, D., van den Bogaard, E. H., Flohr, C., Rastrick, J., Eyerich, S., Buyx, A., Conrad, C., Eyerich, K. & Zink, A. (2022). Requirements and expectations of high-quality biomarkers for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis in 2021 - a two-round Delphi survey among international experts. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 36(9), 1467-1476.

Fiske, A., Schönweitz, F., Eichinger, J., Zimmermann, B., Hangel, N., Sierawska, A., McLennan, S. & Buyx, A. (2022). The COVID-19 Vaccine: Trust, doubt, and hope for a future beyond the pandemic in Germany. PLoS ONE, 17(4).

Fritzsche, M.-C., Buyx, A. & Hangel, N. (2022). Mapping ethical and social aspects of biomarker research and its application in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis – A systematic review of reason. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 36(8), 1201-1213.

Johnson, S. B., Lucivero, F., Zimmermann B. M., Stendahl E., Samuel, G., Phillips, A. & Hangel, N. (2022). Ethical Reasoning During a Pandemic: Results of a Five Country European Study. AJOB Empirical Bioethics, 13(2), 67-78.

Hangel, N., Schönweitz, F., McLennan S., Fiske A., Zimmermann BM. & Buyx, A. (2022). Solidaristic behavior and its limits: A qualitative study about German and Swiss residents’ behaviors towards public health measures during COVID-19 lockdown in April 2020. SMM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2.

Lucivero, F., Marelli, L., Hangel, N., Zimmermann, BM., Prainsack, B., Galasso, I. & Van Hoyweghen, I. (2022). Normative positions towards COVID-19 contact-tracing apps: findings from a large-scale qualitative study in nine European countries. Critical Public Health, 32(1), 5-18.

Broderick, C., Christian, N., Apfelbacher, C., Bosma, A.L., Dand, N., Ghosh, S., Hangel, N, Hübenthal, M., Middelkamp-Hup, M.A., Min, J.L., Musters, A.H., Paternoster, L., Rodríguez, E., Satagopam, V., Scordis, P., Spuls, P.I., Szymczak, S., Weidinger, S., Smith, C.H. & Flohr, C. (2021). The BIOMarkers in Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis (BIOMAP) Glossary: developing a lingua franca to facilitate data harmonisation and cross-cohort analyses. British Journal of Dermatology, 185(5). 

Zimmermann, BM., Fiske, A., McLennan, S., Sierawska, A., Hangel, N. & Buyx, A. (2022). Motivations and Limits for COVID-19 Policy Compliance in Germany and Switzerland. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 11(8), 1342-1353.

Zimmermann, BM., Fiske, A., Prainsack, B., Hangel, N., McLennan, S. & Buyx, A. (2021). “Early Perceptions of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in German-Speaking Countries: Comparative Mixed Methods Study”. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(2).

Schickore, J. & Hangel, N. (2019). “It might be this, it should be that…” uncertainty and doubt in day-to-day research practice. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 9(2).

Hangel, N. & Schickore, J. (2017) “Scientists’ conceptions of good research practice”. Perspectives on Science, 25(6).

Hangel, N. & Schmidt-Pfister, D. (2017) “Why do you publish? On the tensions between generating scientific knowledge and publication pressure” Special Issue: The Reward System of Science. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 69(5), 529–544.

Präsentationen, Konferenzen

12/2023 WorkshopThe Role of qualitative Research in Philosophy, Linkoping, Sweden, 6-8 Dec 2023
Confirmed speakers: Lanei Rodemeyer (Duqesne University), Michael T. Stuart (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University), Nora Hangel (Leibniz University Hannover), Lisa Guenther (Queen’s University at Kingston)

10/2023 Workshop: Challenges of interdisciplinary research from the perspective of philosophy of science - workshop, Tartu, Estonia, 4-5 October 2023
Invited speakers: Uskali Mäki, (University of Helsinki); Nancy J. Nersessian, (Georgia Institute of Technology, Harvard); Nora Hangel, (Leibniz Center for Science and Society (LCSS), University of Hannover); Magdalena Malecka, (University of Aarhus, University of Helsinki); Nikolai Šurakov, University of Tartu, EXTRA group, Ruhr University Bochum. 

09/2023 EPSA, Symposium: Qualitative research methods in and for Philosophy of Science: where we stand, where we are going, Belgrade, Serbia-Montenegro, 20-23 September 2023
with: Nora Hangel (Hannover), Miles MacLeod (Twente), Vincenco Politi (Barcelona)

07/2023 Scoping-WorkshopWissenschaftsreflexion als Methode: empirische, historische, analytische und normative Forschung über Wissenschaft integrieren. VW Stiftung 5-7 July 2023 
Impuls talkes: Nora Hangel (Hannover), Samuel Schindler (Aarhus), Alexander Christian (Düsseldorf), David Kaldewey (Bonn), Martin Reinhart (Berlin), Friedrich Steinle (Berlin), Ruth Müller (München)

24/05/2023 Colloquium talk, University Wuppertal: Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Wissenschaft und Technikforschung (IZWT) 

09/05/2023 Colloquium talk, LUHannover, Institut für Philosophie

08/2022 Benefits and Challenges of Using Qualitative Methods in Empirical Philosophy of Science at the East European Network for Philosophy of Science (EENPS) 2022, University of Tartu, Estonia, August 17.

17/11/21 „Solidarität in Zeiten der Pandemie? Eine vergleichende Längsschnittstudie zur Erforschung von Werten und Verhalten (SolPan)“ Kolloquiumsvortrag WZB, 17.11.2021

LEAHPS 2019.

Graphical recoding zum Impulsvortrag von Nora Hangel am VW Workshop Wissenschaftsreflexion, 2023. Gezeichnet von Renate Pommerening

Beiträge in Büchern und Sammelbänden

Hangel, N. & Inthorn, J. (2020). „Ethische Fragen der Digitalisierung in der Pflege: Ein Überblick über zentrale Argumente“. In Drechsel, T. & Inthorn, J. (Hrsg.), Wie viel Technik ist menschlich? Medienpädagogische und ethische Auseinandersetzung mit Digitalisierung in der Pflegeausbildung. München: kopaed.

Hangel, N. Zur Dynamik des Ethos in der Scientific Community als geschichtsphilosophisches Modell – Überlegungen mit Ernst Bloch (Translation: “On the dynamic of the scientific ethos as a model in History of Philosophy – Reflections with Ernst Bloch”). In F. Degler (Hrsg.), Ernst-Bloch-Archiv der Stadt Ludwigshafen, (S. 149-162). Thalhammer VL. (invited).

Hangel, N. "Integrity Endangered by Hypocrisy“ In N. Jelinek & M. Kühler (Hrsg.), "Autonomy and the Self“, (S. 273-294). Springer. (Philosophical Studies Series, 118) (peer-reviewed, chapter of Ph.D-thesis 2011)

Exner, A., Sauer, J., Lichtblau, P., Hangel, N., Schweiger V. & Schneider S. (Hrsg.), Losarbeiten – Arbeitslos? Globalisierungskritik und die Krise der Arbeitsgesellschaft. Unrast 2005.


Hangel, N. & Kuhn, E. (2020). “Digitalisierung in der Pflege und für die Pflege: Ein Perspektivenwechsel. PflegeLeben, 1, 4-7.

Hangel, N. & Feldwisch-Dentrup, H. Gemessene Daten – oder Erkenntnisse?. Cogito, die unabhängige Zeitschrift für Studierendenschaft Philosophie der LMU, 2, 93-95.

Feldwisch-Drentrup, H., Grün, G.-C., Hangel, N., Opitz, C. & Parra-Sánchez, V.. Qualität und Qualitätssicherung. In M. Spieker (Hrsg.), Gute Lebenswissenschaft für das 21. Jahrhundert, Memorandum des Tutzinger Diskurses, (S. 36-53).  Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing.

Schmidt-Pfister, D. & Hangel, N.. "Wettbewerb und Zusammenarbeit im universitären Forschungsalltag; Ambivalent und untrennbar". In Die Hochschule, (S. 182-198). HoF Halle/Wittenberg.

Hangel, N., “Reflections on Contemporary Philosophical Challenges to Human Rights”. In H. Hodyic & J. Postic (Hrsg.), Proceeding the Transgressing Gender Conference “Two is not enough for gender (e)quality. Zagreb.

Graphical recording zum Impulsvortrag von Nora Hangel am VW Workshop Wissenschaftsreflexion, 2023. Gezeichnet von Renate P..

BIOMAP Meet the Partners Interview 2021 (7 Minuten)