BMBF Projekt "MOOCs After the Gold Rush":
„MOOCs after the Goldrush: What kind of influence fo open digital teaching formats have on the provider structure and business models in tertiary education?
The MOOCS research project examines the market dynamics of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and the strategies of suppliers in the MOOC market based on economic and social science theories and detailed empirical data. The analysis provides the opportunity to preliminary take stock and to systematically examine the prospects of MOOC technology.
Digitization is one of the major driving forces for change in current higher education. Essential parts of the development are MOOCs. The digitization and MOOCs, in particular, have the potential to drastically change the structure in tertiary education by giving rise to and support new business models. Competitive pressure on the universities arises when new providers enter the tertiary education market with innovative digital business models. E.g., online courses of reputational institutions can be an attractive alternative to classroom study at less renowned local universities. They are also playing a more critical role in the context of the development of transnational educational programs. MOOCs also challenge property right questions. On the one hand, MOOCs could be viewed as analogous to textbooks and other publications as the property of the authors. On the other hand, e.g., US universities claim the ownership of the MOOCs of their employees, which is consistent with the proprietary treatment of higher education inventions (under the Bayh Dole Act).
It is an open question, particularly for Germany; to what extent the global MOOCs trend leads to new business models, which new models of intellectual ownership and property rights emerge, and how this might affect the higher education sector. The INCHER MOOCs research takes interdisciplinary theoretical approaches to market dynamics and aims at comparing international trends in the MOOC market and its influence on German MOOC market and higher education system. On this basis, it will develop scenarios related to the German system.
Project Period: | 01.10.2017 - 30.09.2019 |
Project Lead: | Prof. Dr. Anna Kosmützky (LCSS), Prof. Dr. Guido Bünstorf (INCHER), Prof. Dr. Georg Krücken (INCHER) |
Project Members: | Dr. Igor Asanov, Dr. Otto Hüther, Johanna Meemann M.A., Sebastian Tieke M.A., Gabi Reichardt LL.M. (INCHER) |
Involved in this project are Social Sciences, Economic Sciences and Law. It is a joined project with INCHER Kassel.