Leibniz Center for Science and Society Events
LCSS-Kolloquium: PD Dr. Barbara Kehm
07 Dec
07. Dec. 2020 | 16:00 - 18:00

LCSS-Kolloquium: PD Dr. Barbara Kehm

"The Future of the Humanities"

The presentation introduces the results of a two-year research project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation about the "Future of the Humanties". Starting with a historical account of the crisis discourses prevalent in the humanities since the beginning of the 1980s, the research results show that the humanities have indeed managed to present themselves in a more positive and forward looking way. The presentation will focus on answering the main questions of the projects: What is the current self-understanding of the humanities concerning their role within the disciplinary structure of the universities and for society? What is their outlook on the future? Do the humanities pick up on the big global questions and issues and try to contribute to their solution? The focus will be on curricula of master level programmes and graduate schools and on the view of experts about the situation and future of a range of different subjects.

Die Veranstaltung wird über Zoom stattfinden: https://zoom.us/j/94717268369?pwd=MnVJdkh6WUk4R0tXNDZERDV5S3AyUT09

Die Meeting-ID lautet: 947 1726 8369

Der Kenncode ist: 715250



<link https: www.lcss.uni-hannover.de de dr-barbara-kehm>PD Dr. Barbara Kehm


07. Dec. 2020
16:00 - 18:00

