M.A. Marlene Hartmann
30159 Hannover
Current Research
I am currently writing my doctoral thesis on the hormonalization of masculinity, which explores how masculinity has been transformed through hormonal thinking and practices. Working mainly with Latour and Haraway, I am approaching the topic of masculinity and hormones from a theoretical standpoint sensitive to materialities. My research consists of four case studies, including the conflict between natties and juicers in the fitness community, hormonal practices and discussions among trans men and trans masculine people, concerns among older men regarding their declining testosterone levels, and the alt-right’s narrative of an epidemiological decline in testosterone levels among white men. Through these case studies, I examine how testosterone both contests and co-structures masculinity.
Research Interests
Generally, I am interested in …
- the circulation of entities between the life sciences and other areas of society,
- embodiment, bodies & body politics,
- subjectivation & subjectivity,
- gender & sexuality,
- and nature / culture
... from the perspective of ...
- new materialist theories, and other theories sensitive to materialities (Haraway, Latour),
- poststructuralist theories,
- and (queer-)feminist theories.
Hartmann, Marlene & Laux, Henning (i.E.) Bruno Latour. In: Benjamin Rampp & Martin Endreß (eds) Handbuch Politische Soziologie. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Hartmann, Marlene (2023) Die Kulturalisierung der Gegenwart. Andreas Reckwitz‘ Gesellschaft der Singularitäten. In: Sina Farzin & Henning Laux (eds.) Soziologische Gegenwartsdiagnosen III. Springer VS.
Hartmann, Marlene (2021) The Totalizing Meritocracy of Heterosex: Subjectivity in NoFap. Sexualities, 24(3): S. 409-430.
Van den Berk, Ivo; Stolz, Katrin; Schultes, Konstantin; Hartmann, Marlene (2016) Hamburger Entwicklungsmodell der Studienenergie. In: Van den Berk, Ivo; Petersen, Kirsten; Schultes, Konstantin; Stolz, Katrin (eds.) Studierfähigkeit: Theoretische Erkenntnisse, empirische Befunde und praktische Perspektiven. Hamburg: Universitätskolleg-Schriften.
Reviews for Men & Masculinities; NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research; Theory, Culture & Society.
Panels, Talks & Workshops
07.2024 Paper: „The hormonalization of masculinity“, @panel „Making and Doing Hormonal Theory”, “Making and Doing Transformations”, EASST, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
03.2024 Paper: "When Man becomes leaky: Testosterone tales”, Inaugural Conference of stsing, TU Dresden, Germany
11.2023 Paper: “The hormonalization of masculinity: Natty vs juice”, @panel “Endocrine Economies. Living in a Sea of Hormones: Testosterone Tales”, “Sea, Sky, and Land. Engaging in Solidarity in Endangered Ecologies”, 4S, University of Hawai’i, Honolulu, USA
12.2022 Participation, @doctoral student workshop “(Un)Versehrte Leiblichkeit erforschen“, University of Bielefeld, Germany
12.2022 Paper: “The hormonalization of masculinity”, @panel “Men, masculinities and matterings”, “Gender Studies Conference 2022 | Feminist Matterings - Indigenous and Arctic Engagements”, University of Oulu, Finland
09.2022 Organization (together with Fabian Hennig): Ad-hoc group on masculinity & corporeality. Paper: “Testosterone - On the hormonalization of masculinity.”, @”Polarisierte Welten”, congress of the German Sociological Association, University of Bielefeld
07.2019 Paper: “Troubling Masturbation: NoFap’s Programmatic Subjectivity and the Manosphere”, @panel “Mobilising Masculinity” at “European Conference on Politics & Gender (ECPG)”, University of Amsterdam
2024/09 Fellowship in the research project “Endocrine Economies: The Cultural Politics of Sex Hormones” (Charlotte Kroløkke, Karen Hvidtfeld) at the University of Southern Denmark
since 2023 Research Associate, LCSS
2022 Research Associate, “TUC Digital Programs”, International Office, TU Chemnitz
2019-2023 Research Associate, Professorship for Sociological Theory, TU Chemnitz
2018 MA Sociology (with distinction), University of Warwick, UK
2017 BA Sociology (with distinction), University of Hamburg
Awards & Scholarships
2018 I was awarded the Deborah Lynne Steinberg prize for the best dissertation in feminist cultural studies for my MA dissertation "Troubling Masturbation: NoFap’s Programmatic Subjectivity and the Manosphere" (supervisor: Cath Lambert).
2017-18 I received a scholarship by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) which allowed me to study at Warwick University.
2017 I was awarded the Janpeter Kob prize by the alumni organization of Hamburg sociologists and the Gender prize of the faculty of economics and social sciences of the University of Hamburg for my BA dissertation "Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: (Re-)Configurations of biopolitical governmentality" (supervisors: Ute Tellmann, Susanne Krasmann).
- Working Group Critical Research on Boys*, Men* and Masculinities
- German Sociological Association
- gender.power.science
- stsing